
In the high mountains of the region of Barroso, in Vila Real, a hodgepodge of villages hug the hillsides, where the settlements of Carvalhais, Criande, Morgade and Rebordelo stick out on one side of the Rabagão river dam. 

These four villages form the parish of Morgade, where economic activity is primarily based around agriculture and livestock. The parish is currently threatened by proposals to reopen the Romano Mine. These plans not only include underground operations but the opening of an open-cast pit for at least 13 years of lithium extraction.

“We can’t let them destroy our villages and mountains, and our quality of life.” Armando (48) is Morgade born-and-bred and the spokesperson for the association Montalegre Com Vida [Keep Montalegre Alive], which led the actions that gave rise to the parish-wide boycott of the 2019 European elections and the 2021 presidential elections. As a result, in these elections the parish of Morgade had the highest levels of abstention in Portugal.

The reality was very different in the 2021 local elections: the strong influx of people was due to the return en masse of many of Morgade’s emigrants. “They paid for my brother to come back, he travelled by coach from France to vote”, recalls Armindo, a 68-year-old retired truck driver and civil construction worker. 

Just over 190 people live in this parish where the echo of the church bell still marks the passing of time and cattle graze on extensive areas of common land. In the week, nearly half the population work in Montalegre, the closest town, and only come back to sleep. But at the weekend there are plenty of excuses to get together: dance soirées and impromptu singing in the Cerdeira café, the morning mass on Sundays, or Dona Ana Rosa’s famous meat stew in the Pinto café.

Despite the vivaciousness of the people in this small village and their attachment to the land, Morgade’s future is at risk—just like so many other villages in the Portuguese interior. Arminda, a 49-year-old livestock herder, sums it up—“Living here is only for those who, like me, want to look after goats and cows”.

Morgade was the parish with the highest level of abstention in the 2019 European elections and in the 2021 presidential elections.

Source: Secretariat General Ministry of the Interior

Armando, 48 years old, teacher

Number of people registered on the electoral role in 2024.

Source: Secretariat General Ministry of the Interior

António, 63 years old, farmer
Arminda, 49 years old, livestock farmer

Morgade has ten times more workers in agriculture and livestock than the national average (3%). That is 18 out of 55 workers.

Source: Census 2021

Ana Rosa, 69 years old, café owner

The ratio of old people (65 plus) to young people (14 and under). In Carvalhais, Criande, Morgade and Rebordelo—the four villages that make up the parish—, there are three times more old people than the national average (two old people for every young person).

Source: Census 2021

Teresa, 55 years old, nursery school bus monitor 

Armindo, 68 years old, retired civil construction worker and truck driver

Number of people who lived abroad for at least a year and returned to Portugal between 2016 and 2021, equivalent to 6% of the population (195)

Source: Census 2021

Armando, 48 years old, teacher

Teresa, 55 years old, nursery school bus monitor
Adérito, 48 years old, butcher
António, 63 years old, farmer
Abel, 69 years old, retired banker

More than half the people working in the parish are employees.

Source: Census 2021

Abel, 69 years old, retired banker